Grade weights

Homework assignments 30%
First midterm 20%
Second midterm 20%
Final exam 30%

Homework policy

There will be a homework assignment every week. You may talk to each other about the assignment, but what you submit must be your own work.

New Turnin Rules: Homework is due on Fridays no later than 6:00 pm. You must turn in your homework online, in GradeScope, as a single PDF file. When you turn in your PDF, you must tell GradeScope which pages of your document contain each individual homework problem. Doing this correctly will be worth 2 points on the homework.

No late homework will be accepted under any circumstances, but I will drop your two lowest homework grades.

Requests for regrades may be submitted through GradeScope. The statute of limitations for regrades is one week—that is, any requests for regrades must be made no later than one week after the homework grades were made available in GradeScope. The last homeworks in the course will have an earlier deadline for regrade requests, which will be announced on Piazza.

When a homework problem requires writing some Python code, you should turn in all of the following. We may ask you to you to turn in your actual .ipynb Jupyter notebook file through the CSIL “turnin” command in addition to using GradeScope; watch the Piazza page for details for each particular homework assignment. (As of hw02, you don’t have to do this yet.)

  1. A description in English of what you did and how. Try to be brief but clear. If we can’t understand what you did, you will lose points; we won’t regrade homework that was not explained well.
  2. The Python code you wrote.
  3. The output from testing and running your Python code.
  4. Any figures or plots you produced.

I strongly encourage you to write up your homework using LaTeX, which is the standard markup language for mathematical documents and is good to know for any future math or CS writing you may do. To get you started, here is the LaTeX for the review quiz.

Exam policy

There will be two midterms in class and a final exam during finals week. Syllabi and sample problems will be made available for each midterm, by the weekend before the midterm. The final exam will be cumulative, covering all the topics in the course.

For the exams you may use your own paper notes (no limit on amount), but you may not use phones, pads, or electronic devices of any kind.

We will grade the exams in GradeScope, and requests for regrades must be submitted through GradeScope. The deadlines for submitting regrade requests are as follows: